When having a new piercing or tattoo there is always a risk of infection;
Please follow the instructions below to minimise the chance of adverse reaction:
Tattooing means the skin on the surface is broken. Please treat your new tattoo as a wound and follow this advice to minimise the risk of infection:
Keep the dressing applied by the tattoo artist for a minimum of 2 hours unless advised otherwise. After removing the dressing, gently wash your new tattoo using lukewarm water with or without a neutral anti-bacterial soap. Gently pat it dry with soft, clean tissue. Do not rub or scratch!
Apply the moisturising cream recommended by your tattoo artist at least 3 times a day for the first 14 days. This will protect the skin from drying, reduce scabbing and itchiness. Usually after 2 weeks the scabbing should have been replaced by "silver" skin and your tattoo should be healed within 2 more weeks.
Avoid touching your tattoo unnecessarily. Wash and dry your hands before and after touching your tattoo. Do not pick or scratch! Only use skin products recommended by your tattoo artist.
Shower rather than bathe. Do not swim, use saunas, steam baths or sun beds until your new tattoo is fully healed. Do not expose your new tattoo directly to sunlight. Wear loose cotton clothing to minimise rubbing and irritation. Always keep your new tattoo covered when in a dusty or dirty environment. Please follow our aftercare instructions to ensure a good looking, well-healed tattoo. If not followed infection may occur.
Signs of infection:
- Swelling and redness that increases.
- A severe burning and throbbing sensation.
- Increased tenderness and increasingly painful to touch.
- An unusual discharge, yellow or green, with an offensive smell.
Speak to your tattoo artist or seek medical advice immediately if you suffer from any of the above or have any signs of allergic reaction to products used, they will advise you if there are any signs of adverse reaction or infection. Please contact us if you have any further queries using the details provided above.
piercing AFTERCARE
Please take good care and follow these instructions to ensure a good looking, well-healed piercing.
Click here to see the healing times for each piercing.
It is important that you keep your new piercing dry for the first 24 hours. It is important that you clean with saline solution only once a day. We recommend using our saline solution spray.
Once you are pierced please be aware that there might be slight swelling or scarring. Rarely some piercings may reject or grow out, this only affects very few people. Please be patient as healing times will vary for each person. during the healing process do not play, touch, rub or pick your piercing. Always make sure your hands are clean before touching a piercing. Never use surgical spirit, hydrogen peroxide or similar substances for cleaning. Do not remove jewellery when cleaning. Avoid swimming, saunas and jacuzzis for the first week. If you have any concerns or queries do not hesitate to contact us. Please follow our aftercare instructions to ensure a good-looking, well-healed piercing. If not followed infection may occur.
Signs of infection:
- Swelling and redness that increases.
- A severe burning and throbbing sensation.
- Increased tenderness and increasingly painful to touch.
- An unusual discharge, yellow or green, with an offensive smell.
Speak to your practitioner or seek medical advice immediately if you suffer from any of the above or have any signs of allergic reaction to products used and they will advise you if there any signs of adverse reaction or infection. Please contact us if you have any further queries using the details provided above.
Ear piercings are much easier to clean after a wash or shower. Use a saline solution once a day and just leave to dry. Be careful when using cosmetics and perfumes which may irritate your piercing. Be careful not to snag your piercing when brushing your hair or attending a hairdresser. Avoid sleeping on your piercing.
Nose and septum piercings are much easier to clean after a wash or shower. Use a saline solution once a day and just leave to dry. For nose piercings, we recommend that you use aa plaster when you go to bed to prevent your piercing from falling out. Be cautious when applying cosmetics near the piercing area.
Navel and nipple piercings can be the hardest to heal due to irritation and lack of air circulation. Any crust formation on the jewellery should be removed by soaking with warm water. Once this is done then the piercing should be cleaned well with saline solution and allowed to dry. Be careful with your clothing, try not to snag or rub your piercing as this is the most common cause of irritation. Try to avoid any extreme exercise and sleeping on your stomach.
Look after your mouth piercing by rinsing your mouth with an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash or salt water. It should be used after you eat, drink or smoke. Tongue piercings can swell which is perfectly normal, the jewellery you will have been pierced with is large enough to allow for this. The swelling will start reducing within a few days. Sucking on ice will help reduce the swelling. The tongue is covered in a very thin natural healing agent called peptide which will aid the process. For lip piercings, the external part of your piercing should be cleaned using saline solution only. For the first few days eating may be difficult. We suggest you do not eat crunchy, spicy, or very hot food. Start with soft foods and then work your way up to harder foods. We recommend you use a new toothbrush as your old one may harbour bacteria.
Be aware that due to eyebrow piercings being close to the bone it is possible for bruising to occur. Use a saline solution once a day and just leave it to dry. Caution should be taken not to snag your piercing with clothing, when brushing your hair, or attending a hairdresser. Try to avoid sleeping on your piercing.
Septum / Smiley / Tongue / Web
Lobe / Lip
Industrial / Eyebrow / Bridge
Helix / Conch / Rook / Tragus
Daith / MIDI / Snug / Nose
Nipple / Navel
4 - 6 Weeks
6 - 8 Weeks
2 - 4 Months
3 - 6 Months
3 - 6 Months
6 - 9 Months

All healing times are estimates only and may vary from person to person. Never remove or change jewellery before the healing process has finished. If you are unsure about what stage of the healing process your piercing is at, get in touch to have one of our piercers have a closer look.